Sound and Colour Works and Responses

Sound and Colour Open Call

Eupa Project is seeking submissions for the 2022 installment themed Sound and Colour. This hybrid multidisciplinary artwork aims to give any artist from any discipline an opportunity to collaborate through a digital call-and-response approach. 

For this round, Eupa, a multi-coloured group of creatives, wants to explore how sound and colour elements affect our day-to-day lives. Through this call, Eupa seeks the collaboration of musicians, painters, artists of all backgrounds, and well-wishers to respond artistically to the music of colours and paint sounds.  

The goal is to derive laws of colour and sound harmony. Ways to describe physiological colours and sound and subjective visual and auditory phenomena. The metaphors, symbols or emotions these two elements add to our social constructions. The images that we see and interact with and the sounds that wake us up are part of our every day. From the sound of birds chirping in the morning to the sirens alerting some of us at night. A grey or white snowy day. Sunset in the desert…

We will post some hint sound and art pieces on Eupa Website and invite artists to respond. The musicians make music on the visual pictures that we post. And visual artists create visual art pieces for the music and or performance pieces. 

In the end, we will have a collection of sound and visual pieces. We will organize an online exhibition. And we will combine selected works into a multimedia performance to celebrate. As a stretch goal, we will seek to have an offline exhibition in Uganda. We will reveal the details later as we understand how many works we will have. 

This would make a rich tapestry of “chain-mail” art and music pieces, each corresponding to a previous one. The results ‌would ‌feature on the website, and other (or the same) artists will respond to them.

There are two ways to take part: 

  1. Email a sound or visual art piece that responds to the theme of Sound and Colour to by October 31, 2022. 
  2. Go to, pick a work you would like to respond to, and send the response by November 30, 2022. 

Thank you!

Materials to submit:

  • The piece itself via WeTransfer, Google Drive, or an embeddable player (Spotify, SoundCloud, Bandcamp or YouTube)
  • Your name, email, and the country where you are from.
  • If you are responding to work already on the website, please indicate which one.
  • Any links or social media handles you’d like us to include, such as Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud, Facebook or your website link.